Text - a piece of written or printed material regarded as conveying the authentic or primary form of a particular work

Writing system - a set of symbols and rules used to write a particular language

Text Media

  • >Publications that disseminate information
  • >Media products such as newspaper, flyers, books, magazines, tarpaulins, >advertisements, television, banners, websites and posters

  • Text Information
 A non fiction writing written with intention
of informing the reader about a specific
  • Characteristics of Text Information and
 A text is any media product we wish to examine
 A text is effortful to co...

Parts Of The Text
 Titles
-allows the reader to identify the over all topic of the text and understand the main
 H...
Text Types And Formats And Sources
 Types
-Brochures, magazines, textbooks and instruction manuals, news paper article,
-printed materials are already available on a variety of topics and in many
different Formats.
 To bring in a better communication and understanding between the general
public and government
 To help the pe...
 Text also has limitations.
- The most obvious drawback of text as a knowledge building and
communication tool...

 New information
informational text contributes to readers understandings of a wide range of
 Varying Form...

-is a text that we view
-the images work together to create a meaningful patterns, symbols, ideas and
messages for the rea...

text media information


 Communication is the foundation for sharing information between people to ensure that everything is understood and can be acted upon. Without good communication, missions fail and others can not help to fulfill the mission. Another reason communication is important is because you leave others out of the loop and they can not inform higher the proper status of what is going on.
             Communication as defined in the American Heritage Dictionary is the exchange of thoughts, expressions, and or information. This is the basis of all communications. 
             Communication among individuals, teams, units, and organizations is essential to efficient and effective mission accomplishment. Two-way communication is much more effective than one-way communication. Mission accomplishment depends on information passing accurately to and from subordinates and leaders, up and down the chain of command and NCO support channel, and laterally among adjacent organizations. 
             The Army has only one chain of command. Through this chain of command, leaders issue orders and instructions and convey policies. A healthy chain of command is a two way communications channel. Its members do more than transmit orders; they carry information from within the unit or organization back up to its leaders. They furnish information about how things are developing, notify the leader of problems, and provide requests for clarification and help. Leaders at all levels use the chain of command to keep their people informed and render assistance. They continually facilitate the process of gaining the necessary clarification and solving problems.

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